5 Centre for Aging Research and Education, Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore 6 Centre for Quantitative Medicine, Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore Background Family caregivers of patients with ...
Background Precise prognostic information, if available, is very helpful for guiding treatment decisions and resource allocation in patients with non-cancer non-communicable chronic diseases (NCDs).
Objectives Despite a number of studies on effectiveness of palliative care, there is a lack of complex updated review of the impact of in-hospital palliative care consult service. The objective is to ...
1 King's College London, Department of Palliative Care, Policy and Rehabilitation, Cicely Saunders Institute, London, UK 2 Palliative Care Team, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Trust, London, UK ...
Correspondence to Dr Kelly O'Malley, New England GRECC, VA Boston Health Care System Jamaica Plain Campus, Boston, MA 02130, USA; kelly.omalley{at}va.gov Context Psychological symptoms are common ...
Background Modern radiotherapy (RT) planning techniques and the use of oral supportive care have reduced the occurrence of acute radiation-induced toxicities. Oral mucositis remains a major concern in ...
Background Delirium is a prevalent clinical presentation in advanced illness. The hyperactive phase can cause severe symptoms at the end of life. There is no published study of the pharmacological ...
Objectives Patients with indicators for palliative care, such as those with advanced life-limiting conditions, are at risk of futile cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) if they suffer out-of-hospital ...
Correspondence to Dr Nicola White, Division of Psychiatry, Marie Curie Palliative Care Research Departent, University College London, London W1T7NF, UK; n.g.white{at}ucl.ac.uk Objectives To determine ...
Introduction Methylphenidate is a psychostimulant drug used to treat fatigue in patients with advanced cancer, for which there is no gold standard of treatment. Objective To explore the efficacy of ...
Correspondence to Professor Chia-Chin Lin, School of Nursing, University of Hong Kong, HKG000 Hong Kong, Hong Kong, SAR; cclin{at}hku.hk Background Continuing futile life-sustaining treatment prolongs ...