I was sorting through some of the paperwork left behind by my mother a few years ago and came upon a book – a compilation of ...
The View had an excellent report last night highlighting some of the threats and abuse faced by our MLAs. An Electoral ...
Selfies with the POTUS and his decisions spreading panic in Dublin, or so the DUP hopes, Northern Ireland gifted special status as the USA celebrates 250 years of the Declaration of Independence and ...
It’s rare for me to question or criticise or even quote a press editorial of any paper never mind my favourite, The Irish ...
I was chatting with a friend who told me a story about a place he worked in a few years ago. The staff in his department were ...
By Professor John Garry , Queen’s University Belfast. Professor Brendan O’Leary , University of Pennsylvania. Dr Jamie Pow , ...
Party finance spokesperson Eóin Tennyson has said squandering nearly £1bn every year to duplicate services in a divided ...
Infrastructure Minister, Liz Kimmins, has just made a shock announcement to the Assembly to send forensic accountants into NI ...
David McCann holds a PhD in North-South relations from University of Ulster. You can follow him on twitter @dmcbfs ...
John Ware has form as a leading investigator into the Troubles for BBC Panorama, including the Stakeknife record and responsibility for the Omagh bomb. His relentless account in the Irish News of the ...
Infrastructure Minister Liz Kimmins has just issued a public consultation on Developer Contributions for Wastewater ...
My father made the walls resound He wore his collar the wrong way round.’ The lines above characterise the complicated ...