Among the growing number of works of graphic fiction, a number of titles dealing directly with the patient experience of illness or caring for others with an illness are to be found. Thanks in part to ...
Despite the popularity of reading groups, and the increased number of general-practitioner-referred bibliotherapy schemes in the UK, there has been relatively little research on the effects of reading ...
Robert Burns's poem, Death and Doctor Hornbook, 1785, tells of the drunken narrator's late night encounter with Death. The Grim Reaper is annoyed that ‘Dr Hornbook’, a local schoolteacher who has ...
In the process of deciding to undergo cosmetic surgery for aesthetic reasons, people may err in various ways. Adolescents in particular run the risk of making errors, and both parents and surgeons ...
Illness narratives have traditionally been used as a conceptual tool for exploring experiences of chronic illness or disease. In this paper, I suggest that Frank's typology of illness narratives ...
Correspondence to Professor Chrystal Jaye, General Practice and Rural Health, University of Otago, Dunedin 9054, New Zealand; chrystal.jaye{at} In New Zealand, aiding and abetting a person ...
‘God knows why these Sanghaalis are so rabidly against C-section!’: spectre of medical coloniality haunts doctor-patient relationship in Guruprasad Kaginele’s Hijab (2020) ...
Correspondence to Dr Roderick Bailey, Wellcome Centre for Ethics and Humanities, University of Oxford, Big Data Institute, Old Road Campus, Oxford OX3 7FZ, UK; roderick.bailey{at} This ...
1 Servicio de Radiología, Complexo Hospitalario Xeral-Calde, Lugo, Spain 2 Servicio de Neurología, Complexo Hospitalario Xeral-Calde, Lugo, Spain Correspondence to Manuel Vázquez Caruncho, Servicio de ...