Hier, lors des Rencontres de Moriond, qui se déroulent à La Thuile, en Italie, la collaboration LHCb au CERN a annoncé qu’une ...
Vous avez des questions sur la sécurité incendie, les interventions d'urgence ou les premiers secours ? Le Service de Secours ...
Do you have questions about fire safety, emergency response or first aid? The CERN Fire and Rescue Service is here to help!
Yesterday, at the annual Rencontres de Moriond conference taking place in La Thuile, Italy, the LHCb collaboration at CERN ...
Following an international open call launched in collaboration with Copenhagen Contemporary in November, Arts at CERN has ...
To kick off this year’s Prototyping at CERN series, we invite you to join a community of innovators showcasing and sharing prototypes related to their work. Last editions’ sessions sparked great ...
CERN welcomed Her Excellency Ms Giorgia Meloni, President of the Council of Ministers of the Italian Republic. The Prime ...
Au CERN, les faisceaux de particules sont accélérés crescendo selon le principe de la course de relais (où chaque coureur est ...
At CERN, beams of particles are accelerated faster and faster, just like a relay race (where each runner is faster than the ...
In 1928 the physicist Paul Dirac proposed that every particle of matter should have an antimatter counterpart. But shortly after the big bang, most of the antimatter disappeared, leaving behind the ...
Dive into CERN's accelerator complex with these 360° panoramic photos. You can take a virtual tour of the installed machines and equipment, visit different areas of ...
In carrying out the mission with which it is entrusted by its Member States, the Organization collects and uses personal data related to people interacting with CERN, including CERN contributors (i.e.