Hornets approach with calmer, almost leisurely movements, while wasps appear more nervous and hectic. Both species can hover to inspect food sources or perform quick evasive maneuvers when threatened.
We all know that wasps, hornets, and yes, yellowjackets, can all deliver a painful sting. As primarily predators, these ...
Wasps have generally earned themselves a bad reputation. But despite their occasional aggression, these insects play an important role in the ecosystem. There are over 7,000 species of wasp living in ...
A single wasp colony in your back garden could be removing as many as 250,000 aphids during a season. As expert and self-proclaimed “wasp lady” Seirian Sumner told the show: “They are the ...
There are 7,000 species of wasps living in the UK, nine of which build nests to house a colony. Like bees, each wasp species is either social or solitary. Those that prefer family life build nests to ...
Bees, wasps, and hornets have found unique ways to survive in habitats all around the world. Mud daubers are a type of wasp that has developed a particularly interesting nesting behavior — they ...
Bald-faced hornets are not true hornets. They're in the wasp family and are a species of black and white yellow jacket. The species gets its name from the black and white coloring on the front of ...