Skunks are weaned after two months and the young skunks follow their mother for the first few months before going off on ...
"Mating season is always around Valentine's Day, easy to remember," Emmert said. "Skunks have a stronger sense to be active and to go out and search for a mate, so they may be willing to be more ...
A striped skunk may push or pull dried leaves or grasses for bedding material into a den which in winter may extend a meter (3 ft) or more in depth. Striped skunks tend to use dens in autumn and ...
I recently had a lively conversation about skunks with some friends. While explaining a few things, it occurred to me that skunks are commonly seen critters, yet we don’t give them a second ...
Julie Watson If you’ve been noticing a foul odor in the air recently, you’re not alone. Unpleasant as it may be there is a natural cause for your nose to be offended. In Ohio, February is ...