The Vogue video is titled 'Gigi Hadid Can't Stop the Beat' which is a play on Hairpray's most popular song, 'You Can't Stop ...
"I feel that he gives so much to me: encouragement and, just, belief. For those people you admire to encourage you, it can ...
In a recent interview with Vogue, model Gigi Hadid candidly opened up on why she moved from New York City to rural ...
Gigi Hadid just debuted bubblegum pink hair for a "Hairspray" themed video with "Vogue." See a close up of her color and find ...
Some people online expressed frustration at Vogue’s recent homage to “Hairspray," starring Gigi Hadid, saying the video did ...
For Vogue’s April cover video, it’s a “Hairspray”-inspired spectacle, starring Gigi Hadid with a handful of special friends.
Now, Gigi is Vogue's latest cover star and is at the center of their latest video, "Gigi Hadid Can’t Stop the Beat" (a cover ...
Vogue released a Hairspray inspired video featuring April cover star Gigi Hadid. Predictably, it did not center any visibly ...
在时尚界,有这样一位女神级人物,她不仅拥有令人羡慕的178cm身高和完美的身材比例,还以独特的时尚品味和穿搭风格赢得了无数粉丝的心。她就是超模Gigi Hadid。最近,她在巴黎街头的一组穿搭照片再次引发了时尚圈的热议,成为了大家争相模仿的对象。
After being the source of romance rumors for over a year, supermodel Gigi Hadid is confirming her relationship with Bradley ...
卢浮宫慈善晚宴上,超模吉吉·哈迪德(Gigi Hadid)一头银发亮相,瞬间成为全场焦点。 话说,吉吉之前那头金发,虽然美得不可方物,但时间久了,难免让人审美疲劳。这次她大胆尝试银发,简直就是教科书般的“换发型如换脸”。
Gigi Hadid offered rare comments to 'Vogue' about her co-parenting situation with her ex-boyfriend Zayn Malik. The model said ...