All New York State mandated reporters are required to take this updated training to maintain their state certification. Even if you have taken the course in the past, you must retake it again. See ...
For the 2019-2022 contract, see the 2018 Memorandum of Agreement.
Free social skills and behavioral regulation activities Educating All Learners Alliance Curated tools, strategies, tips and best practices for supporting students with disabilities online ...
You may access any salary schedule listed from the menu. PDF versions are available for downloading and printing. Additionally, if you are a DOE-employed teacher ...
This unit will provide information concerning the hunting and trapping of animals and how this has led to extinction and endangerment of some species. Alternatives to the use of animals for fur will ...
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The UFT is here to support your vital work. It's a critical time for unions, and we must stay strong and unified. As a union member, you have the right to have your voice heard in the workplace as we ...
Single-session schools have four three-hour evening conferences a year in September (back to school), November, March and May and two two-hour afternoon conferences a year in November and March.
The UFT's BRAVE campaign aims to combat bullying in our schools. Short for Building Respect, Acceptance and Voice through Education, the BRAVE campaign provides educators, parents and students with ...
Should you require immediate assistance with a prescription drug issue outside of office hours, please call Express Scripts at 800-723-9182. Register with the UFT Welfare Fund, which is separate from ...
What differentiates “specially designed instruction” from core instruction and supplemental and intensive interventions (response to intervention or multi-tiered system of support)? As illustrated in ...