The MAGA-controlled 118th House passed only 27 bills that became law — the lowest number since the Great Depression.
Next step will be action in the state House, where budget writers have different plans for distributing property tax help.
Drug deaths are declining but the Trump administration's intelligence team has issued a new report describing street fentanyl ...
The government in Nigeria is warning about the health risks of skin lightening, where potent chemicals can thin and damage ...
Ancient Greek and Roman statues didn't originally look like they do now in museums. A new study says they didn't smell the ...
DEI order, the space agency has removed a promise to send the "the first woman, first person of color" to walk on the moon ...
The National Weather Service said on Tuesday that the San Antonio area can expect a "heavy rain event" on Thursday and Friday ...
Commissioners also approved an agreement with the City of San António, which will eventually see a combined $200,000 applied ...
The rising harpist explores spirituals, musical ancestors and the influence of church on her new album, Take Me to the Water.
Depardieu's long and storied career has turned the trial into a post- #MeToo test of the willingness of France and its movie ...
The rising composer talks about the influence of the church on his music and the premiere of his Good News Mass at the Los ...
City council members are advocating for the new power as a way to bring delinquent property owners into compliance and avoid ...