在2025年游戏开发者大会 (GDC) 即将来临之际,全球领先的游戏开发、发行与运营平台腾讯游戏宣布将在大会中展示创新的游戏开发技术。其中,天美工作室群将于GDC展馆内闭门演示其尚未发行的多人冒险游戏《王者荣耀世界》。此外,腾讯游戏还将举办近二十场 ...
Tencent Games, the world's leading platform for game development, publishing and operations, today announced it will showcase its innovative game development technologies and closed-door game ...
騰訊啓動碳尋計劃二期 全球範圍徵集氣候創新技術。 騰訊正式啓動碳尋計劃二期(CarbonX Program 2.0) 有朋自遠方來,歡迎使用微信支付! 騰訊正全面提升外籍人士在華支付體驗,以促進國際旅遊進一步蓬勃發展和國際人文交流。 生成式人工智能迅速興起,推動 ...
Promote low-carbon lifestyles and green consumption habits through the development of sustainability-themed mini programs inside Weixin app and games. Facilitate a low-carbon transformation for the ...
We believe that business can offer innovative solutions that create social value and serve the public good.
Rob has built a successful service company, collaborating on major titles. Now, he’s making a bold move—creating original video game IP. It’s a high-risk, high-reward journey, but his vision is clear: ...
We use first-party performance, analytics and tracking Cookies through an external service (Google Analytics and Metricool Tracker) to statistically analyse how Tencent.com is accessed, used, or is ...