In this column, the author describes how precision fermentation is changing the way we produce food with sustainability in mind.
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Get a taste of the exceptional research shared each month. Published since 1936, the Journal of Food Science (JFS) brings peer-reviewed, original research reports and critical reviews from researchers ...
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This Food Science for Relief and Development column discusses a dried fish protein production startup in Rwanda.
Complete these courses in your own time and at your own pace. The timeline for IFT online courses is completely within your control. An ideal solution for busy professionals looking to expand their ...
Award Description: Honors an individual who has provided significant, early-career research contributions that advance the science of food and positions them as an emerging leader prepared to make an ...
Designed to showcase outstanding research at the undergraduate level, this competition seeks students engaged in independent research who are interested in presenting at the IFT Annual Event.
Award-winning sensory scientist Henriette de Kock discusses her efforts to adapt sensory science practices to effectively address the food preferences and cultural traditions of African consumers.
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Food microbiologists play a critical role in making sure food is safe to consume. They have expertise in a variety of scientific disciplines. Food chemists develop and improve foods and beverages; ...