Melinda McDaniel, a senior lecturer and Georgia Tech alumna, has been appointed interim associate chair of the School of ...
Latent-EnSF outperformed three comparable models in assimilation speed, accuracy, and efficiency in shallow water wave ...
Ongoing war and other conflicts in the Middle East have spilled onto the pages of the online encyclopedia Wikipedia, where ...
Wired turned to AI research experts, including Georgia Tech's Rosa Arriaga, for its article about how chatbots can change ...
Traditionally, computer science students traverse two years of skill and knowledge development before they apply what they are learning to their own goals and career trajectory. With Threads, the ...
Computer science is the base for countless industries and disciplines. Today’s employers need graduates with both a solid foundation in the principles of computer science and specialized computing ...
Applying for admission to one of the three undergraduate degree programs within Georgia Tech’s College of Computing is your first step to becoming a graduate of one of the nation's top computing ...
Each year, a limited number of highly-qualified students can enroll in our joint B.S./M.S. in Computer Science program. This joint-degree program not only reduces the time to an M.S. degree, but also ...
Welcome! The Georgia Tech College of Computing Career Fair is an opportunity for employers to connect with current Georgia Tech students and recent alumni. The College of Computing boasts Bachelor’s, ...
Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) is a discipline devoted to the study and advancement of computational methods and data analysis techniques to analyze and understand natural and engineered ...
The Ph.D. in Computer Science is a joint program between the Schools of Computer Science, Interactive Computing, Computational Science & Engineering, and ...
The Master of Science in Computer Science (M.S. CS) program is a terminal degree program designed to prepare students for more highly productive careers in industry. Graduates receive the MSCS for ...