As a business owner, you’re responsible for the work you and your employees do, as well as for your customers’ health and safety while they’re at your workplace. As a result, a client can sue your ...
A editor verified this analysis to ensure it meets our standards for accuracy, expertise and integrity. If you’ve seen the same advertisements repeatedly on your social media feeds after ...
A proper and clearly defined management structure is something every successful business needs. However, entrepreneurs may find creating and implementing one isn’t an easy task. Henry Mintzberg, a ...
Amid the rise of social media marketing, some marketers are neglecting a tried-and-true vehicle: email marketing. Email is a highly effective way to nurture leads and inform, learn from, interact with ...
As an employer, you may find yourself in the uncomfortable position of terminating an employee. Every state allows at-will employment — the ability to terminate an employee regardless of the cause. aims to help business owners make informed decisions to support and grow their companies. We research and recommend products and services suitable for various business types, investing ...
Taking a few minutes daily to straighten your desk can help build healthy organizational habits and improve efficiency. After all, productivity is hindered every time you search for documents or get ...
Your employees are the foundation of your company. They can make or break your success, which is why having an employee assistance program (EAP) that helps workers who are struggling with certain ...
Henri Fayol’s management theory is a simple model of how managers interact with personnel. Although some aspects may be considered outdated for the modern workplace, other principles in Fayol’s ...
Data management is the process businesses use to gather, store, access and secure data from various platforms. Managing this information properly helps organizations utilize data analytics to gain ...