Branches of Fine & Country in the Midlands and London have welcomed Luke Billson and Jagdip Ranparia to elevate the brand’s ...
New analysis suggests landlords of student properties will have to pay the most to upgrade and meet the EPC deadlines.
Stand-up comedian Farah Sharp is fronting a new series of social media video shorts for the portal, which also feature local ...
The high cost of Stamp Duty, Council Tax and Business Rates mean the UK pays the highest proportion of its GDP on property ...
Freehold Collective boss Mike Somekh warns that we could wait years for leasehold reforms to become law and questions the ...
Andrews Property Group strengthens its market position in the South West with the acquisition of HomeLets Bath.
Rentman, the estate and letting agency management software of 30 years' standing, has a new distributor for the UK and Eire.
Saffron Walden came top. It’s a market town that used to have a reputation for being genteel and, while property prices are ...
Enfield Council says it is needed to protect tenants living in large and small HMO homes who are ‘at higher risk’ than others ...
Boss of leading property management firm says landlords worried about EPC rules should focus not on 'Net Zero' but making ...
Leading leasehold expert warns that Labour's leasehold reform plans will likely have dramatic implications for new ...
Local estate agents are outraged as Westminster Council pushes the Government to relax rules so it can confiscate empty ...