The system will timeout after 60 minutes of inactivity and you will have to start again. Do NOT use your Browser's "Back" or "Forward" buttons to navigate within this site or you may lose entered ...
Recycling and composting programs may vary throughout the province, depending on where you live. Nova Scotia is divided into seven different solid waste-resource management regions. Please click on ...
Did you know that most businesses in Nova Scotia must be registered with the province's Registry of Joint Stock Companies before they can start operating? You can determine if your company should be ...
Online Interactive Map for Viewing the Relative Risk of Uranium in Bedrock Water Wells This application was developed to show areas of Nova Scotia where there is a relative high-, medium- or low-risk ...
Welcome to Environment Registry Management System (ERMS). Please specify your login credentials below. They are the same username and password that you use to log in ...
The Nova Scotia Family Pharmacare Program is a provincial drug insurance plan designed to help Nova Scotians with the cost of their prescription drugs. The Program offers protection against drug costs ...
Forests play a vital role in our province. They provide fresh air, food, medicine, timber for construction, fuel wood for heat, jobs for rural communities, recreational opportunities, and much more.
US tariffs on Canadian goods entering the United States may pose challenges for Nova Scotians. The Nova Scotia government is working closely with the Federal government to ensure a coordinated ...
Foreign worker recruiters are individuals who help foreign workers try to find a job in Nova Scotia or help employers find foreign workers for employment in Nova Scotia. Foreign worker recruiters need ...
Lobster is harvested along the coast of Nova Scotia by thousands of independent lobster fishermen using baited traps placed on the bottom of the sea. Lobster seasons vary depending on Lobster Fishing ...
Department information, programs and services.
Sexual Violence and Prevention Supports include Public Awareness and Training resources, Community Mobilization Programs, Youth Outreach Programs, and programming to ...