The Nova Scotia Groundwater Observation Well Network was established in 1965. It currently includes 40 active observation wells located across the province. The locations of the wells are shown in Map ...
The installation of an onsite sewage disposal system requires a permit/approval. You can get an application form for this Permit from any Regional or District Office ...
Welcome to Environment Registry Management System (ERMS). Please specify your login credentials below. They are the same username and password that you use to log in ...
Did you know that most businesses in Nova Scotia must be registered with the province's Registry of Joint Stock Companies before they can start operating? You can determine if your company should be ...
The provincial government maintains 23,000 kilometres of roads and highways, and 4,100 bridges. The 100 series highways are the backbone of the provincial road network and economy, playing a key role ...
Scrag Lake Wilderness Area protects a remnant tract of intact forest within the heavily settled and farmed LaHave Drumlins Natural Landscape, a region that is otherwise poorly represented in the ...
A Sheriff is an officer of the court who is referred to as a "peace officer." A Sheriff's work focuses on the safety and security of the judiciary, court staff, the public, and persons in custody.
You need a Certificate of Competency and Crane Operator Licence to operate a mobile crane, boom truck, overhead travelling crane or tower crane. As part of the certification process, you need to ...
Cloud Lake Wilderness Area is located south of Greenwood, near the Kings-Annapolis County line. Expanded in 2015, this wilderness area protects 15,802 hectares (39,046 acres) of woodland, lakes and ...
The Correctional Services division of the Department of Justice is responsible for the administration and operation of community and custody-based programs and services for adults and young persons.
Use the envelope provided at the secure drop-off box and make sure you include your Health Card Number and contact information inside the envelope.
Nova Scotia is too good to waste. With regulations and a provincial strategy for managing solid waste, we're wasting less, recycling more and reaping the environmental, economic and social benefits.