Discover a World of Academic Excellence at the College of Charleston! The Office of the Provost is responsible for all academic activities at the university. The Division of Academic Affairs includes ...
Ready to redefine your career? The College of Charleston's Executive Doctorate of Business Administration (EDBA) program provides the expertise and credentials you need to take your leadership to the ...
Eight of our current and past meteorology majors have done internships at three nearby NWS stations and eighteen have done internships at a dozen TV stations.
ARCH stands for Achievement Realized through Community in Honors, an idea that sets the foundation for this innovative new program. You’ll take specialized classes that build upon your stellar high ...
Providing businesses with skilled, work-force ready employees, the College of Charleston and the German University of Applied Sciences NORDAKADEMIE offer the first Trans-Atlantic co-op for ...
Discover what the Honors College at the College of Charleston can do for you. Space is limited so be sure to register today! What is Honors Experience Day? For admitted Honors students, it’s the ...
Let us help answer some common billing and payment questions. How will I receive my bill? eBills are sent to all pre-registered students through your College of Charleston email account and any ...
Together, let’s create, explore, collaborate and accomplish. Be part of the vibrant scene at the School of the Arts – the artistic heartbeat of Charleston. Live and study in a cultural, historic and ...
Transfer students are a vital part of the College of Charleston student body. As a transfer student, you bring diverse ideas and experiences. We know that the number one question on your mind is, "how ...
Are you a College of Charleston student looking to go global? Are you an international student heading to Charleston, South Carolina? The Center for International Education (CIE) is here for you.
We prepare students for career and life! Find success through meaningful careers and active engagement as life-long learners and informed world citizens. Join us in innovative teaching, robust ...