After the signing of the peace agreement with Azerbaijan, the role of EU observers in Armenia will be reviewed, stated ...
Opening of the Armenian-Turkish border will create big economic opportunities not only for Armenia, but also for Turkey and ...
The United States of America has welcomed the completion of negotiations between Armenia and Azerbaijan on a historic peace treaty, according to a statement on the US State Department’s website.
Armenia does not oppose the deepening of its relations with the European Union to its relations with other partners, Armenian ...
The foreign ministries of a number of countries welcomed the finalizing of the negotiations around the peace treaty by ...
Առաջիկա երեք տարիների ընթացքում Վրաստանում և Հայաստանում աճը գրեթե կրկնակի կնվազի՝ 2022-2024 թվականներին համապատասխանաբար 9,4 ...
В течение следующих трёх лет рост в Грузии и Армении сократится почти вдвое — с 9,4% и 8,8% соответственно в 2022–2024 годах, ...
Zangezur Corridor” is incomprehensible and unacceptable to us, because first of all, the Republic of Armenia has nothing to ...
Over the next three years, growth in Georgia and Armenia will almost halve, from 9.4% and 8.8%, respectively, in 2022-24, but ...
Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan held a telephone conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin, as reported by the Armenian government’s press service.
ЕРЕВАН, 14 марта. /АРКА/. Премьер-министр Армении Никол Пашинян провел телефонный разговор с президентом России Владимиром Путиным, сообщает пресс-служба армянского правительства.
A direct dialog is currently underway between Armenia and Turkey, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said in an interview with ...