It is important to urge the government to accept these NAMs into the chemical risk assessment frameworks in a timely manner.
The Canadian government promised to end this practice, but horses are still enduring long and deadly journeys overseas.
During the 2021 federal election, the Liberal Party campaigned on a promise to ban the export of horses for slaughter ...
WINNIPEG—Following the release of heartbreaking undercover footage, a major U.S.-based ferret rescue group has offered its support and pledged up to $50,000 USD to help any ferrets who are rescued […] ...
After an Animal Justice investigation at a Manitoba ferret mill, a major US rescue group has pledged $50,000 to save the animals.
The field of animal law has grown exponentially in Canada over the past decade. Animal law has grown from a small and largely unknown area of practice into a respected area of the law that only ...
Every year, approximately 2,500 Canadian horses are trucked from barren feedlots, tightly packed into wooden crates at airports in Winnipeg and Edmonton, and flown around the world to Japan, where ...
WINNIPEG—Following revelations that most shipments of horses from Winnipeg to Japan for slaughter exceed the 28-hour legal limit for transport without food, water, and rest, a Manitoba horse exporter ...