(关丹16日讯)男子在路边举起牌子,邀请民众免费领取马来什锦粥(Bubur Lambuk),口中还发出犹如卡通角色“Pingu”的叫声来吸引关注,让人看了大赞可爱。根据帖主“@fahmiothman88”在TikTok发布的视频,他看到一名男子站在路边举着“免费马来什锦粥”的牌子,让民众知道附近有免费的什锦粥可以领取。实际上,这名男子是在邀请公众,尤其经过的驾驶人士,到附近的Aurelius医院停 ...
小伙伴们注意啦! 一系列热门IP快闪 在徐汇轮番上演 错过可就等不到了 来来来 一起走进徐汇吧 爱马仕 “骑境谜踪” 地点:西岸穹顶艺术中心 ...
Children’s TV in the UK has always skewed weird. Which is why you might expect Pingu, the eccentric children’s animation following a cheeky five-year-old penguin, to have come from our ...
Pingu welcomes you to his secret whale-shaped funhouse for his new show. Packed with brand new sketches, two classic episodes and the chance to learn more about the amazing world of penguins ...
Follow Pingu the little penguin and his adventures through the city and as he navigates through a range of different jobs, where his cheerful creativity often gets him into trouble but also saves him ...