Egypt welcomed the completion of negotiations on the draft peace agreement between Armenia and Azerbaijan that marked a significant step toward peace in the South Caucasus and paved the way for a more ...
Armenia's Foreign ministry said on Thursday that a draft peace agreement with Azerbaijan had been finalised from its side and ...
Akbar Novruz Read more Armenia's Minister of Justice, Srbuhi Galyan, stated that the draft of the country's new constitution will be made public a ...
The ANCA continues to advocate for a peace that adds to Armenia’s security and sovereignty, safeguards its Constitutional ...
The Azerbaijani defense ministry’s recent statements are not enough and there are no grounds to claim that the peace agreement has not been successful. The speaker of the National Assembly (NA) of ...
Egypt welcomed the conclusion of negotiations on a peace agreement between Armenia and Azerbaijan, saying it would help end the conflict and bring stability to the South Caucasus.
French President Emmanuel Macron said on Thursday that the agreement of peace treaty terms between Armenia and Azerbaijan ...
“The Republic of Tajikistan welcomes the completion of negotiations between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Armenia on the text of the agreement on peace and establishment of interstate ...