Kwok and colleagues’ work focuses on a newly recognized form of cancer mutation that arises from abnormal mRNA splicing. Splicing is a processing event in which non-coding segments called ...
After pre-mRNA processing, mRNPs would interact with NPCs, perhaps through Mex67 and Mtr2 (TAP and p15). The Yra1-Mex67 interaction may be crucial for this. If additional studies confirm that Yra1 ...
Get Instant Summarized Text (Gist) mRNA transfer between cells has been identified as a novel intercellular communication pathway. This transfer occurs via extracellular vesicles and tunneling ...
A combination of mRNA and a new lipid nanoparticle could help heal damaged lungs, according to new research from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. Viruses ...
The study found that the new mRNA vaccine was successful in triggering an immune defense response that helped to reduce TB numbers in infected mice. In addition, the researchers discovered that ...