Amazonas is the second largest state in Venezuela, but the one with the ... and all of them are Yanomami Indians, who live on Shabono. The only exogenous thing is the military post, which used ...
Brazilian health authorites have reported 67 cases of measles, including one baby dead among Yanomami natives on ... the only recorded death among the Indians is that of a nine-month-old Brazilian ...
In the vast wilderness of the rainforest in the south of Venezuela, near the origins of the Orinoco, live the Yanomami Indians, the most isolated people in South America. Their language alone ...
with the Aviation soldiers causing the murder of the Yanomami. They repudiate the massacre 52 representatives of indigenous organizations and peoples of Venezuela speak out “in the face of the ...
Ten thousand years ago we were all hunter-gatherers. Now, the Yanomami Indians in the Venezuelan Amazon are the last large group of semi-nomadic hunter gathers remaining on earth. For thousands of ...
Climate correspondent Fabiano Maisonnave exposed how jeweler Cartier used images of Yanomami, a tribe devastated by gold mining, to cast itself in an environmentally conscious light, an “Only on AP” ...