Your research proposal must include proper citations and full references for every source you have included. Follow your department’s referencing style. You should write in an academic style. Your ...
A two-day workshop, themed ‘How to Write a Research Proposal’, which is being organised by the Research Centre of Government ...
If you wish to study for a Manchester PhD, you may need to submit a research proposal with your application. This is crucial in the assessment of your application and it warrants plenty of your time ...
Write-n-Cite, is the RefWorks add-on for Microsoft Word ... A well-formulated research question will guide you when making decisions as you develop your research proposal. As an independent learner, ...
Try to be concise. Do not write too much – be as specific as you can but not 'wordy'. It is a difficult balance to strike. Bear in mind that the proposal is only a starting point. If you are ...