Available in client and server versions, Windows NT included built-in networking and preemptive multitasking. NT was introduced in 1993 as Version 3.1 with the same user interface as Windows 3.1 ...
Windows 2000 came in one workstation and three server versions. Server versions supported 64-bit AMD x86 and Intel Itanium CPUs. See Windows 2000. Windows NT (1993) - MS Versions 3.1, 3.5 ...
Gartner estimates that migrating 2500 staff from Windows NT Workstation 4.0 to Windows 2000 Professional will cost between $1250 (£781) and $2050 per PC. The cost of moving a similar number of ...
The Scintag XDS2000 a 3-axis Pole figure, Texture, and Stress (PTS) horizontal goniometer configured with an LN2 cooled germanium semiconductor detector and IBM compatible workstation running Scintag ...
The Scintag XDS2000 powder diffractometer is configured with a graphite monochromater and IBM compatible workstation running Scintag DMSNT software in Windows NT environment. New cameras installed in ...