a wildlife team daily stocks nine feeding stations along a 150-mile loop through the vast 12,000-acre mountain refuge that’s located near North Powder. Not just deer, but Rocky Mountain Elk ...
We've been sent in some stunning imagery capturing the nation's wildlife during this cold snap. Here is a selection of some of our favourites. Adam Walters got cold and wet in order to get the ...
Zack decided these bull elk remains were an ideal spot to set a camera trap ... Zack is a full-time nature photographer specialising in landscapes and wildlife of the American West. He is also an avid ...
"The Whale Raft" The misfortune of some brings happiness to others, and for these polar bears, the death of a whale in east Greenland heralded a royal feast. Attracted by the smell, more than ...
Next the wildlife biologist turned photographer followed a 150-mile mule deer migration. Then Riis and ecologist Arthur Middleton spent two years documenting elk migrations, for which they were ...
The Nature Photography Contest awarded honors across 10 categories, including Wildlife, Sharing the Planet, and Environmental Impact. Plans for this year’s contest are already in the works with ...
as often the best photography opportunities are seen when the camera is left at home. 6 Don't just photograph in good weather If it is safe to go out and photograph the wildlife, often bad weather ...
The images reprinted here are plucked from photographic series that will appear in my first book of photography, “The Decisive Sequence.” A companion book of written work, “Cardinal Points: True ...
The winners of the Nature inFocus Photography Awards 2024 have been announced. The schoolboy won an award and £500 for the photo he took on his smartphone in Candie Gardens. Wildlife Photographer ...
Wildlife filmmaker Bertie Gregory has channeled a childhood obsession with wildlife into photography. Photos from this obsession earned him recognition early on in his career, including been named ...