The winter pelt is grayish brown, the hairs long, dense, and, because each hair contains ... create witches'-broom effect on saplings and shrubs. White-tailed deer may stand on their hind limbs to ...
There's a reason cedar-shingled houses have been popular ... According to Johnson, this is due to white oak's dense cellular structure, which slows moisture absorption. "When it comes to cabinetry ...
Since European colonists first arrived along the East Coast, the acreage of Atlantic white cedar stands has dropped from an ... bear their evergreen needles in dense clusters on small, woody ...
Northern white-cedar (cedar ... including many rare and endangered species. The dense coniferous canopy created by cedar trees creates a moderated microclimate with lighter winter snowpack, making ...
The cedar waxwing is easily ... Juvenile: streaky below with white chin and bold malar stripe (June–November). The bo­hemian waxwing is similar but larger, grayer, has ru­fous undertail ...