This little robot has come not to enslave humanity, but to make our music sound a bit better. Designed to sit on your desktop, the xDuoo DM-01 is a combined headphone amp and DAC with tube ...
32-bit DAC. There has been a great deal of hand wringing and consternation since the “purchase” to Bose that included Sonus faber, that McIntosh was about to go off the rails into the river in Vestal ...
You may like I heard Rotel's ultra-luxe CD player and Hi-Res Audio DAC, and I'd buy it in a second if I could (even if it won't play my SACDs) The American gods of valve-based audio have released ...
Headset manufacturers are free to pick top quality DAC and amplifier components ... we’re talking about the less-than-pearly white side of USB audio, it’s also worth mentioning clock jitter.