What colonialism and imperialism have in common is their determination to subjugate and dominate a group of people and, by ...
Imperialist rhetoric is becoming a mark of President Donald Trump’s second term. From asserting that the U.S. will “take over ...
England long before the other countries placed her capitalist development on the basis of predatory imperialism, and she interested the upper strata of the proletariat in her world dominion.
He says he has no “completely worked out theory of the connection between literature and culture on the one hand, and imperialism on the other”; he just hopes to discover connections.
Here we focus on Lenin's ideas about imperialism more than on his revolutionary strategies. Lenin developed a perspective on IPE that took Marx's class struggle, based on the mode of production ...
Yet, the up-coming UN conference on climate in Glasgow is all fire-and-brimstone. With the “climate emergency” upon us, Alok Sharma — president of the UN’s “COP26” summit to be held in ...
The height of absurdity is RB citing Travis Chase as a victim of state victimisation. RB read about a so-called shooting involving Travis Chase and formed an opinion without doing journalistic ...
What has been happening in the Gaza Strip is a genocide that is a part of Western imperialism, according to a Black British academic and author who specializes in Black studies. In the face of ...