A stone on the north-west tower of Westminster Abbey records the generous help the family of Garry Howard Weston have given in enabling the restoration of the Abbey to be carried out. The inscription ...
Tucked away in a south-eastern corner of Westminster Abbey lies Weston Tower, a new glass, metal and stone structure that nestles neatly between the 13th Century Chapterhouse and 16th Century Lady ...
dedicated in 1065 and which had a central tower and two western towers, was furnished with bells. The first recorded information concerning Abbey bells, however, is found in the Close Rolls of Henry ...
Westminster Abbey is generally busy – and the staff keeps you moving at a pretty swift pace – so do a little research ahead of time to avoid missing your personal must-sees. For instance ...
With a history which stretches all the way back to the 10th century, Westminster Abbey has stood through the lives of important people and world-changing events. But who is buried in in the floor ...