People could only have certain amounts of ... But if I was a boy in World War One, I might have cooked this. WARTIME BOY: Yes, chocolate potato pudding sounds great to me because during the ...
All 5 parts of Epic History TV's history of World War One in one place (re-edited). From the Schlieffen Plan to the Versailles Treaty, a global history of the entire conflict. #EpicHistoryTV # ...
It explores how World War One brought the continent to its knees, resulting in the demise of many of the Royal Houses of Europe. For the people involved, including King George V, Tsar Nicholas II ...
Praise poets honour the servicemen, more than a century after World War One Hundreds of South African ... we can be one of the families that people can talk about in the due course of history".
People communicated in lots of different ways during World War One. Some ways, like letters and postcards, are still used today. Telephones were also used but they were very different from the ...