The degree of the impairment depends on the age of onset as well as the location and severity of the impairment in the visual pathway. CVI is referred to by many different names including cortical ...
UC Santa Barbara neuroscientists have reconstructed the entire anterior visual pathway of a fruit fly, a complex series of connections between the insect's eyes and the navigation center of its brain.
The term CVI can be confusing. Traditionally, CVI stood for Cortical Visual impairment. This means that while the eyes may look healthy there is damage to the visual pathway which results in visual ...
The once-dark pathway between the downtown Hy-Vee parking garage and the WriteBrain building is now illuminated by a unique installation.
Neuronal pathway finding within the visual system has been extensively studied and therefore is used as a model to review existing knowledge regarding concepts of this developmental process.
Strong. Tough. Dominant. Traditionally, these are the characteristics associated with masculinity. But do men still see themselves this way? The global Strong. Tough. Dominant. Traditionally, these ...
The pathway between the Hy-Vee parking garage and ... "These enhancements create a dynamic visual experience, welcoming visitors day and night." A partnership between Operation Downtown, the ...