Of the 33,000 books about the Vietnam War, all but a few eagerly sidestep ... a minute doesn’t discern between chickens, kids and VC.” Ewell, known by his men as “the Butcher of the Delta ...
Vietnam is a classic proxy war, with the Viet Cong substituting for ... later shortened to Viet Cong (also Vietcong) or simply VC. Not all Viet Cong are Communists; many just want all foreigners ...
It was on March 16 1968 that the My Lai massacre took place in Vietnam’s Quang Ngai province where hundreds of Vietnamese ...
Military history professor Bill Allison rates more Vietnam War movies, such as "Forrest Gump," for realism. Allison breaks down additional battlefield tactics used by the Viet Cong, or VC ...
Military history professor Bill Allison rates Vietnam War movies, such as "Apocalypse Now," for realism. Allison breaks down battle tactics used by the United States military; Viet Cong, or VC ...
The Vietnam War was a complex, controversial conflict that ... “The Tunnel Rats” for volunteering to explore tunnels the VC had dug in the jungles around the South’s captial, Saigon.