How many trains are there from Varanasi to Agra Cantonment? There are 3 direct trains that run between Varanasi and Agra Cantonment. The train schedules consist of 1 weekly and 1 triweekly trains.
There is a general perception that Varanasi-Delhi Vande Bharat is the most popular and luxurious Fleet of all. However, it is ...
Varanasi: A 56-year-old woman committed suicide by jumping in front of a moving train in the Lohta area early on Friday after learning about the death of her 27-year-old son in a road accident ...
What is the duration of Amethi to Idgah Agra train journey? The duration of Amethi to Idgah Agra train journey is 10 hours 2 minutes. The Varanasi Jodhpur Marudhar Express departs Amethi on Thursday ...
The train movement will remain affected ... The up and down Agra Cantt-Banaras Vande Bharat Express (20175 & 20176) and Varanasi Junction-New Delhi Vande Bharat Express (22415 & 22416); Kanpur ...
Agra is connected to Varanasi, Delhi and Khajuraho by air ... The city is well connected by train services to all the important cities in India. There are many super fast express trains connecting ...
Four persons died and 19 others were injured after a Varanasi-Jaipur bus rammed into a stationary truck on the Agra-Lucknow Expressway on Saturday morning, police said. According to police ...
As per officials, the impact of the collision smashed the truck, while the front part of the goods train too was damaged. The ...