Certainly, there are differences between the two when you compare the exclusivity and lavishness of a Rolls-Royce with the outright sportiness of an AMG. However, if you'd love to sample a twin-turbo ...
几年前,宝马推出了一款特别版 7 系,以此纪念其 V12 发动机。奥迪的最后一款 12 缸发动机虽然没有那么隆重,但自 2017 年以来也已退出美国市场。令人难以置信的是,尽管竞争对手已经退出市场,但梅赛德斯似乎仍决心推出 V12 ...
在当今这个瞬息万变的汽车行业,有一个消息像是春风拂面,让不少车迷们倍感欣慰:奔驰确认将继续保留V8和V12发动机。这一决定在环保浪潮愈演愈烈的背景下,犹如一股暖意,为依旧热爱传统驾驶的高性能车迷带来了一丝希望。尤其是对于那些曾经在工作日的夜晚,驱车驰骋在辽阔公路上的乐天派们,这无疑是一份久违的慰藉。 我们可以设想一下,某个周五的傍晚,小张刚结束一天忙碌的工作,准备与朋友们一起去拉萨山脚下的风景区。
4 天
网上车市 on MSN绝版猛兽的涅槃重生:2015款奔驰AMG G65典藏解析在硬派越野与极致性能的交汇点上,奔驰AMG G65如同一座难以逾越的丰碑。随着AMG全面电气化战略的推进,搭载V12引擎的G65已成绝唱,而眼前这台2015年上牌、仅行驶2.3万公里的稀世珍品,更以"原厂进化"的姿态,演绎着经典与科技的完美共生。 一 ...
来自MSN14 天
Mercedes-Benz to keep V8 and V12 engines, AMG developing a new electrified V8 motor amid ...The mammoth V12 engine works under the hood of the Maybach S-Class S680 and he armoured S-Class Guard. Separately, its performance division AMG supplies the V12 motor to Pagani for the Utopia hypercar ...
Watch the Mercedes-Benz S65 AMG unleash its 6.0L V12 BiTurbo with 630 HP & 1000 Nm of torque! 🚀 Experience brutal ...
BMW sent off their V12 years ago with a special edition 7 Series. While less ceremonial, Audi ’s last twelve-cylinder has also been gone from the US market since 2017. Incredibly, Mercedes seems set ...
When released (and it was released for one year only), this AMG-tuned Mercedes S-Class was the most powerful sedan in the world. It packed a bi-turbo 6-liter V12, producing 612 horsepower and 737 ...
The sound of a V8 engine is one of the reasons why buyers go for high-performance models. A few years ago, Mercedes-Benz announced that V8 and V12 engines would gradually disappear from its AMG ...
After thirteen years basing the bulk of its lineup on the VH architecture, Aston is developing a new platform, and is partnering with Mercedes-AMG to develop ... "Our 6.0-liter V12 engine will ...