In addition to sunlight, ultraviolet rays are also given off by several different forms of indoor lighting, including compact fluorescent lamps (CFL’s). CFL’s are commonly long, cylinder shaped and ...
Hartley and others have stated that benzene has a banded absorption spectrum in the ultra-violet; adopting that principle, I conjectured that benzene had an ultraviolet fluorescence. I have ...
The 20/30 PV™ microspectrophotometer combines the latest technologies to allow the user to measure UV-visible-NIR range transmission, absorbance, reflectance, Raman, emission and fluorescence spectra ...
The UVM-1 is especially suited for the UV-visible-NIR range and can be used for either broadband or spectrally selective imaging. Since it has a flexible design it can be configured for absorbance, ...
The Agilent 1200 Series HPLC quantifies separated molecules with an ultraviolet-visible (UV-VIS) detector and fluorescence detector (FLD). Each detector uses software to create peaks for each molecule ...
The UVM-1™ microscope is designed for the UV-visible-NIR range and can be used for either broadband or spectrally selective imaging. And because of its flexible design, it can be configured for ...