austere landscape of rock and tundra and water—most notably, the enormous Great Slave Lake, on whose shore the city is built. Come for the wilderness and stay for the people, who know how to ...
Some were not satisfied with the penalty. Florida hunter hit with lifetime ban after blatant killing in front of witnesses: ...
Only a few pockets of Lake Erie water show through the ice, looking like small streams or ponds in a frozen tundra.
Lake Erie looks like a frozen tundra, but beneath all of that ice goldfish are not only surviving, they may be thriving and growing to massive sizes.
Travis W. Drake, Robert M. Holmes, Alexander V. Zhulidov, Tatiana Gurtovaya, Peter A. Raymond, James W. McClelland, Robert G. M. Spencer Limnology and Oceanography ...
Witnesses said they saw a man at Lake Jackson's Crowder Landing last January shooting at a pair of the swans. "Tundra swans, while seen in flocks during migration, separate in solitary pairs (and ...
Above: Tundra swans are not rare but they are uncommon visitors to our region. Nine of those birds were captured in this ...