Tropical rainforests lie along the equator, mainly between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. Rainforests have four main layers: the emergent, the canopy, the under canopy and the forest floor.
but is not a substitute for preserving intact forest. Aa Aa Aa Tropical forests are highly diverse ecosystems located within 23.5º N or S of the equator in Asia, Oceania, Africa, and Central and ...
An area of almost 1,900 square kilometres in Brazil’s imperilled Atlantic Forest was chopped down over the course of a single decade, primarily as a result of agricultural expansion 1.
Throughout the immersive experience in the hospital, a mediator accompanies the young patient, answers their questions, adapts to their interests and desires. ?She is present at every moment. It can ...
In their study published in the journal Nature Sustainability, the group analyzed a decade's worth of satellite imagery of Brazil's Atlantic Forest region. Finding more time on their hands during ...