A Tornado WATCH means conditions are favorable for the development of tornadoes in and near areas designated by the National Weather Service. Be ready to move to a place of safety if the watch is ...
Ohio is no stranger to severe weather, and you and your family are encouraged to prepare during the statewide tornado drill ...
During the drill, sirens will be activated for a three minutes with a longer tone than usually used during the regular Wednesday noon test.
Tornado sirens across Franklin County are getting some upgrades. Last year was a record tornado year in the Buckeye state, ...
As part of Severe Weather Awareness Week this week, the state held a tornado drill shortly before 10 a.m. Wednesday. The warning sirens were activated in ...
Tornado sirens will sound across Ohio on Wednesday. But don't worry — it's likely not the start of another terrible tornado season. What to know.
A statewide tornado drill scheduled for 9:50 a.m Wednesday, March 19, is part of a week-long effort to raise awareness of ...
Tornado sirens will sound across Ohio on Wednesday. But don't worry — it's likely not the start of another terrible tornado ...
Prepare yourself: Wednesday morning will bring the sound of blaring of tornado sirens. Ohio is having its annual statewide tornado drill at 9:50 a.m. March 19 as a part of Severe Weather Awareness ...
Ohio counties may use this time to sound and test their outdoor warning sirens and mass notification systems. Schools, households, and businesses are also encouraged to practice their tornado drills ...
TOLEDO, Ohio (WTVG ... Place tornado approaching, you’d imagine this community would be on high alert for tornados. One of those alerts is the outdoor warning or tornado siren at the ...
Tornado sirens will sound across Ohio on Wednesday. But don't panic; it probably isn't the start of another devastating tornado season like Ohio had in 2024. Instead, it's a statewide tornado ...