After surrendering scores of art works thought looted, the museum is looking to its new head of ... can feel like a separate time zone from the busy Central district. For artists, galleries ...
He’s also an art instructor, and he teaches what he does. Fig paints, constantly. His paintings reveal his way of looking at the world. The paintings in Fig’s contemplation series look at art ...
Created in partnership with Art UK, this collection of short films for primary schools shows people looking afresh at well-known works of art and explores how they use the skill of looking in ...
CAMBRIDGE — Three very different shows at Harvard have something in common: Harvard. They look at aspects of the university’s collections and those holdings’ relation to art or architectural ...
This will keep my dad busy! My dad is a bronze caster ... They had weird, pale skin, beards and strange-looking clothes. No-one had seen them before. But rumour was, they were from a place ...
I always drew, or I was painting or looking at paintings in encyclopedias. I kept myself busy with pencil and paper all the time. Art is the thing ... cry a little bit. I joke around and I say ...