The text may have urgent language or appear from a legitimate source. That's by design, and it could be to your detriment.
Here are a few other examples of a smishing text message, according to McAfee, to help you better spot the scam. “We have detected unusual activity on your account. Please call this number to ...
Let’s take a detailed look at these functions, one by one. The FIND function allows you to find a text string within another. It returns the position at which a character or string begins within ...
The alternative text examples for the following image show the differences between too little, too much and just enough information. Bad alternative text: Student Bad alternative text: Female student ...
a text about an important topic like health or safety, or any occasion when you need to be taken seriously by the reader. These examples can change depending on the audience though. You could ...
The context of a text is not the things that appear on the page but the circumstances in which it was written. The context helps to build up a background of how and why the piece of writing may ...