And, as the Danes will tell you, hygge is not limited only to the cold, dark months - you can practice hygge all year long.
This is mainly because the air temperature changes more during the winter than before," says Mark ... and this is true in large parts of Sweden. Climate change has contributed to more frequent ...
Volvo XC60, Sweden's Winter Soldier WSJ's Dan Neil drove the 2014 Volvo XC60 D5 crossover during a snowstorm in the Alps. Should you consider it for driving it during December in New Jersey?
They also believe the fresh air is good for babies' immune systems and that it toughens them up for the winter. 3. There's more work-life balance in Sweden Here in Sweden, they want you to take ...
Vehicle development could get expensive for automakers. When Swedish automaker Volvo opened its proving ground in Kiruna, Sweden, 30 years ago, the mission was clear: "Making sure that our products ...
Canada's Rachel Homan made a draw for a single in the 10th end for a 9-7 win over Sweden's Anna Hasselborg on Sunday at the ...
BMW is following its teaser for the next-generation iX3 by revealing prototypes of the upcoming i3, which was previewed by ...
Norway’s ski jumping team wore manipulated suits during the Nordic world championships, a member of the country’s ski federation said Sunday ...
When Swedish automaker Volvo opened its proving ground in Kiruna, Sweden, 30 years ago, the mission was clear: "Making sure that our products are truly fit for the harshest of winter conditions." The ...