For $15,000 per document, buyers can acquire a significant piece of American history. "This is an incredibly early and ...
President Donald Trump may not be the first person that leaps to mind when it comes to the topic of feminism, but giving he’s supposed to be running America, the reality-star-turned-politician ...
Led by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony, feminists sought to win the vote through four major legal strategies: 1) legislative campaigning in Congress and at the state level, 2 ...
Susan B. Anthony’s parents raised Susan and her six ... She uttered these famous words during the last suffrage speech she ...
Susan B. Anthony recently made a surprise appearance ... Anthony said in her famous, oft-repeated temperance speech, that “the newspaper reports every day of every year of scandals and outrages ...
Susan B. Anthony, Library of Congress ... of slavery and enjoyed brisk sales in the North. A version of her speech at the 1851 women's Rights Convention in Akron, Ohio, became a cornerstone ...
Rochester, N.Y. — The National Susan B. Anthony Museum and House paid tribute to the women's suffrage and civil rights icon by hanging a wreath on the door of her long-time residence.
Currently, Susan B. Anthony’s house and collections are located ... What do you hope people will take from your speech at the event? Van Dusen: I hope several things, but I think that sometimes ...