The first version of Stonehenge was a large earthwork or Henge, comprising a ditch, bank and the Aubrey holes, all probably built around 3100 BC. The Aubrey holes are round pits in the chalk ...
As well as sharing similarities with other Danish woodhenges, there is also a striking parity with a known woodhenge in ...
New research suggests that, as well as being a probable centre for the veneration of the Sun, Stonehenge was also a fertility temple. A detailed study of a partly buried fallen stone at the ...
Stonehenge gets some well-deserved attention when it comes to British archeology. Between its age, altar stone’s epic journey, and potential origin as a community building initiative, it has a ...
Danish archeologists have uncovered a circle of wooden piles dating back to about 2,000 BC that they say could have a 'strong connection' to Britain's world-renowned Stonehenge. The 45 neolithic ...
Ringheiligtum Pömmelte is composed of seven concentric circles, the largest with a diameter of 380 feet — 50 feet wider than England’s Stonehenge ... into the post holes and probably burned ...
Even light wasn't immune, and Einstein gave the idea of black holes—which dated back to John Michell's "dark stars"—a coherent mathematical foundation. In 1936, Einstein predicted ...
Archaeologists in northern Denmark have discovered the remains of a large timber circle that is thousands of years old and has parallels to England's Stonehenge. This open-air structure was likely ...
"The higher the spin, the more energy the black hole can release." Black holes may leak more energy to their surroundings than previously suspected — and the faster these voids spin, the more ...
It has just been revealed that this ancient burial site in Dorset is older than Stonehenge. New research by the University of Exeter and Historic England has redated the Flagstones monument to be ...