The underwater call of the sperm whale, the earth’s loudest ... to hunt their food with sound rather than sight. They eat squid, octopus, fish, prawns, crustaceans and other marine mammals ...
They include some of the largest animals on Earth. The blue whale is the biggest animal that has ever existed. Whales can be ...
The sperm whale is the largest toothed predator on the ... You can even tell when she catches a squid because the clicks speed up to a shrill intensity and then suddenly stop, as she presumably ...
Perfumers covet a rare kind of whale poop known ... is essentially a clump of squid beaks bound by a fatty secretion. Over time, it balls up in the intestine of some sperm whales.
A sperm whale's brain weighs about 17 pounds ... Toothed whales usually eat larger prey, which can include fish, squid, octopus, seabirds, seals, penguins, sharks, and even other whales and ...
It uses its intellect to hunt for deep-sea fish and squid in complex social groups. MORE: Sperm whale intelligence ... of Canada’s wilderness. They'll eat anything they can find; they snack ...
Whales are always on the move, so they have to eat a lot to keep them going ... There are over 80 species of odontocete, from the huge sperm whale to tiny, dog-sized porpoises. Dolphins, pilot whales ...
Researchers are conducting testing on a pygmy sperm ... whale's population status is largely unknown. The whales are found all over the world in temperate and tropical waters and mainly feed on ...
They feed on fish and squid like other odontocetes (toothed whales) do, but will also target seals, sea birds and even whale species far bigger than themselves ... Read more about what whales eat.