In "Dawn of War", Librarian ... over the top. As's resident Warhammer 40K nerd, I adored Space Marine 2 when I reviewed it last year calling it a "must-play for sci-fi action fans".
Science fiction covers a lot of ground, and so, any list of the best sci-fi movies ever made is ... it has earned its spot. While the movie is Cast Away in space, it's also so much more.
On March 13, Saber Interactive announced that it was developing a sequel to the excellent third-person sci-fi shooter Space Marine 2. That game released just about six months ago, so this ...
It's only been six months since Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2's well-received arrival ... promise the next instalment of its third-person sci-fi shooter series will be an "even more immersive ...
Should we kick off with a movie ... of sci-fi. Oh and guns... many, many guns. It also has its own style, with the Space Marines wearing thick, chunky armour. Indeed, the Gears of War gaming ...