How many trains are there from Solapur to Gadag Junction? There are 10 direct trains that run between Solapur and Gadag Junction. The train schedules consist of 5 daily, 4 weekly and 1 biweekly trains ...
Dharam Veer Meena, General Manager, Central Railway, conducted an inspection ... OHE 434/26-28 on the Mundhewadi and Pakni section. At Solapur Station, the General Manager inspected ongoing ...
View fare table → What is the cost of 1st AC ticket from Solapur to Sainagar Shirdi? The base fare for a First AC or 1A ticket from Solapur to Sainagar Shirdi will cost ₹1440 to ₹1470 (1A) in Mail ...
To enhance passenger convenience , Central Railway has increased the speed of 44 pairs of trains from 110 kmph to 130 kmph on the Daund-Solapur-Wadi section. This upgrade, implemented after ...