A smart city scenario will involve a broad range of front- and back-end devices and services. These can include things like IoT and mobile devices; applications, servers, and data; and the ...
Researchers from the Singapore University of Technology and Design and Singapore Institute of Technology have developed an ...
The Global Smart City Partnership (GSCP) supports World Bank Group project teams and governments to leverage data and technology to integrate urban infrastructure and service delivery and provide ...
Cities, as the crucible and the hub of human innovation and advancement, face critical changes in their fundamental role. Through a smart city, the global community has strived to converge and ...
is how long will it be before the smart cities and the interconnected transport systems are in place and functioning? And what does this all depend upon? Einsig pictures a near-future scenario.
Why is it necessary to have a cultural perspective in the global smart city discourse? The smart city discourse has been too dominated by technological aims - surveillance and control - instead of ...