"People still come in the old fashioned way ... Michael added: "We're always looking for turnstile staff, so it became one of those things... it has always been part of our lives and really good fun." ...
The MTA is trying something new to deter fare evaders just weeks after installing spikes on some subway turnstiles.
"People still come in the old fashioned ... Michael added: "We're always looking for turnstile staff, so it became one of those things... it has always been part of our lives and really good ...
The pointy panels also don’t address a hack used on old gates of pulling on the turnstiles enough to slip through sideways, or of riders who pay for one swipe but slip through with two people.
Skipping payment is notoriously easy, particularly at subway stations that do not have high turnstiles. One rider told the ... to create spaces for homeless people.