When I greeted him, he told me that the event had interrupted his other plans for the evening: digging a hole. He went on to tell me about a new $5 Steam game called A Game About Digging a Hole, in ...
We’re assuming A Game About Digging A Hole’s protagonist has just enough spare cash to snap the house up. Unfortunately, that only leaves you with enough cash to buy a shovel. So you dig your ...
The other shovel that helped dig the domestics' hole So how exactly can a company with the heritage and scope of Ford Motor Company manage to lose $12.7 billion in one year? Or, for that matter ...
Despite much talk of making “sites shovel-ready”, digging ourselves out of the housing crisis looks as formidable as ever.
it’s the hole that we’re focused on,” Klamar said. Klamar added that officers patrolling the beach will ask people found digging holes to fill them in, and if it’s not done before they ...